
Advanced content management platform

WaveLink is an advanced platform for building websites and applications and management of their content, developed by FlashLink. The system, launched in early 2018, is the fourth generation of the development of the old FlashLink WebAdmin system, which has served hundreds of websites, applications and landing pages. WaveLink is a professional system that is suitable for the development of high quality websites of any size and complexity.
For site building, the system is designed for software developers and includes a variety of options, features and modules that shorten the development time, along with ensuring of high quality, reliability and performance.
For content management - the system enables control of all the content of the site, in a very fast learning curve and without the need for technical knowledge or prior experience. The user experience and the ease of operation are what we had in mind in planning and setting up the system.

System's main advantages:
  • Quick and easy content editing as you browse the site - simply browse to the desired page, scroll to the element you wish to edit, and a the click of a button opens a window in which you can update all the element's components and attributes. The system allows creating, editing, deleting, duplicating and copying / pasting all types of content, and even defining elements as reusable items anywhere on the site.
  • Automatic version updates - The system is constantly upgraded and improved, and new versions are released frequently. Each time the system starts, it automatically checks and updates itself to the latest version.
  • Order and flexibility in the site's structure - The system is based on the templates that define different areas of content as needed ("sections"). In each section, you can combine different types of standard elements such as text, images, videos, galleries, forms, etc., and custom elements in any desired order and position, in different designs, on any page and in any section and quantity required. The use of the elements saves a lot of disk space, load times and unnecassary traffic volume.
  • Library Elements - The system includes a rich library of standard elements such as rich text snippets with various titles and additions; Galleries that include advanced gallery editor that allows uploading pictures and movies and different document types, and organizing the images in the gallery with titles, cropping and more; Forms using a structured form editor that allows complete control over all form fields, their behavior and characteristics, and even various definitions such as lists of correspondents, thank-you content and thank-you pages and more; Links, photos, videos and others.
  • Custom elements - Almost always there is a need for special elements to be used in the site, such as a recommendation box that includes various elements such as titles, snippets, audio player, pictures, different selections and perhaps an image gallery integrated into the element. These modules can be built easily, in simple HTML format, and the system will ensure that all necessary features are integrated so that they can be integrated anywhere on the site, edited, arranged, duplicated, copied, etc.
  • Site Management - The Site Settings box allows adding pages in any order hierarchy, adding languages ​​to each page, editing detailed settings of each page, and even site-level settings like page filtering and operation of the built-in sitemap engine.
  • Advanced catalog management - The system includes a comperhensive catalog management module, which allows the creation and editing of multiple different catalogs. Each catalog includes a detailed category editor and advanced field editor that allows easy editing and setting of catalog fields with all their properties, a wide range of features and functions for these fields, including automatic linking to other catalogs, creation of groups of dynamic multiple elements (such as ingredients in the recipe) And more. The system enables the creation of dynamic catalog pages that include all the elements for a particular category in different sorting and filtering options, displaying a product page with different tempelates designed for each type of catalog, and even "embedding" individual catalog elements in different locations on the site if necessary.
  • Blog management Modul - includes a programmable blog management that can be defined and configured to create blogs on the site, creating user posts with comment sets, registering users and mailing lists for updates, and controlling blog page structure and features.
  • Structured term translation - In multi-lingual situations, it is necessary to create multilingual structures such as catalogs, blogs and others. In many cases, the elements contain fixed field types, for example - a pool of real estate assets. The terminology translation mechanism is built so that the common terms (eg asset types, floors, price, year of construction, etc.) are translated using the mechanism into all languages ​​used. When creating the catalog page or the catalog item page, the original expressions in the translated expressions will be replaced automatically, and dynamic translated titles will be constructed.
  • Users and permissions management - The system is equipped with a built-in users/permission editor that allows adding, deleteing and editing their access rights. Each user can have one of eight control levels, each with a set of permissions, which can be enabled or disabled individually.
  • Standard compliance - The system allows control of the various types of elements (such as local definitions of h1 - h6, list tags and others), definitions and features of tags and structure and proper default values ​​according to W3C and HTML5 rules.
  • Friendly for Promoters - The system allows complete control over the settings of every page on the site such as keywords fields, meta descriptions, titles, editing meta tags as needed, injection of scripts for conversions and more; A sitemap engine will create and update the site map whenever the need arises and even send a report to Google's search engine; Easy management of Like buttons and sharing for various social networks; A detailed set of definitions allows you to edit and add different settings from a pool of hundreds of possible settings such as language settings, Google Analytics, social networks, emails, script files and external styles.
  • And finally, we invested a great deal in the user interface itself, and made sure it was well designed and in a pleasant and relaxed style. The interface supports Hebrew and English, with changing writing direction accordingly. The various boxes enable switching the writing direction, marking the element's address for pasting elsewhere, enlarging to full screen, arranging the settings in tabs that can be opened and closed, titles corresponding to content, and more.
With WaveLink, your site will enjoy many benefits in a zero-cost workflow - a smart preloader that will preload all the required images, videos, scripts, styles and modules. The system builds the site pages in a very economical way and reuse the resources so that the server time needed is actually very small. The system "knows" how to automatically handle menus and submenus - there is no need to create them, but only to adapt the desired design styles for them; Share buttons of different social media are automatically built where they are needed, and "know" how to gather the contents they need automatically; Updating catalog items is immediate: for example, if your site contains a catalog of items for sale, you can update the price of an items and its other properties immediately by editing the item, where it is displayed; In a few simple settings, you can create a user pool and create forms for logging and logging in; more and more.

WaveLink - common feature screen shots

Item options menu
Form editing
Custom item editing (animated link)
Custom item editing (sub-screen)
Site settings editing
Page setup editing
Entry pop-up editing
Catalog - category tree
Catalog - fields editor
Catalog item editing
Post editor
Image gallery editor

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